The Davidson County Airport has been awarded the 2022 Mobi Award for most voted project and received Honorable Mention in the Small Urban category at the Mobi Awards ceremony, presented by the N.C. Department of Transportation for the state’s best multimodal projects. This represents the first time that a General Aviation Airport in North Carolina has won this prestigious award. The winning project was the installation of a Runway 6 Medium Intensity Approach Lighting System (MALSR), which is the first of its kind in North Carolina, crossing a major interstate.
A full description of the background and purpose of the Mobi Award can be found here: Transportation Projects Honored in 2022 NCDOT Mobi Awards
Video from the award ceremony and overview of the project can be found here:
Picture from the event is attached and pictured from left to right are:
- Michael Fox, Chairman, NC Board of Transportation
- Matt Jones, NCDOT Division 9 Deputy Traffic Engineer
- Andrew Perkins, Vice Chairman, NC Board of Transportation
- Rachel Bingham, NCDOT Division of Aviation Deputy Director/Manager of Aviation Development
- Rick Phillips, Chairman of the Davidson County Airport
- Karel Van Der Linden, Airport Manager, Davidson County Airport
- Bobby Walston, NCDOT Division of Aviation Director
- Michael Player, Project Engineer, Talbert, Bright & Ellington
- Eric Boyette, NCDOT Secretary of Transportation
For questions or additional information please contact Jack Robertson.
Thank you.
Mari-Elena Baldwin
Island Spice, Inc.
Cell: 404-433-7200